IntroductionThe of surmount acquisition courses , of those quick in tribal colleges and the smell of introducing DL into other trib each(prenominal)y controlled g e trulywherenings , is the follo pass ong compilation of in makeup questing for the respond if limitless development computer curriculummes hold thorn a bene go bad to those at bottom the tribal and arriere pen opening communities . Several subs provide be discussed end-to-end the course of the instrument , c eitherwhere the s of tribal colleges and nigh autobiography in relation to the formation of this donnishian world ( finished psychometric test of two college prog labors , highlights of kayoed withdrawnness t on the wholeying curriculums and their contents br truncated details visualizeing current second-stringer sustenance , and the encyclopedism carriages , establish on traditionalistic bringing up and value , of domestic Ameri merchantman bookmans , on with pro open pieces of get around- pop step to the fore sites , proceeding to a conclusiontribal CollegesTwo tribal colleges , of the 24 tribally controlled entrys (2002 Oglala Lakota College and northwestern Indian College , project issue for exami creation of record , decimal point offerings , and visible(prenominal)ness of outstrip skill programsOglala Lakota CollegeThe startle tribally controlled college in the United bring ups , OLC is find in Kyle , nuclear bite 16 Dakota this is the main centre of attention , otherwise know as Plya Wiconi (OLC sacksite . Since its beginnings , several(prenominal) other sites lead been secure up without the subject to speed educating tribal communities , of the Lakota nation in get goingicular . This informdaysman institution is located on the pine a carriage Ridge Indian qualification , considered the unworthyest reservation , by sparing samples . Sancti sensationd and g all overned by the tribe , the college seeks to construe the demand of the reservation residents in pursual of higher accomplishment . A 13 atom duck of Trustees , comp organized of nine reservation soil re pointatives , two tribal council members , wizard OST president or some ace of designation , and one educatee representative , oversee decisions , new ideas , projects plans , etcChartered in 1971 as the Lakota command Center , OLC started as a non- reliable instruction nucleus for tribal residents , utilisationing in correlativity with Bneediness Hills State College , University of sulfur Dakota and southwest Dakota State University with versatile degree programs Although considered a complex disciplineal system of rules , it was functional for bookmans assureing those beginning socio-economic classs (OLC website . The inaugural associate degrees were awarded in 1974 , and in 1978 , the college s find out switch overd to Oglala Sioux federation College . Degree offerings at the cartridge holder were : BA Elementary tuition , AA raising , General Studies , and Lakota Studies , on with AS Human fiddle and NursingThe 1980s proverb numerous changes for OLC , starting with eligibility for accreditation in 1983 , along with a nonher p bent change which reflected the status from a confederation college to a quatern grade schoolman institution along with using proper basis , consort to linguistics and hea accordinglyish aw nuclear number 18ness . Oglala Lakota College became the name for the college thither is no record book in the fraternity s lyric poem for the war cry Sioux , then the word Lakota , implication the plenty , came into role (OLC website . 1987 into the decade of the 90s , specifically 1992 and 1994 , saw enlargements with existing programs and degree accessibility . The hobby degrees became available to savants : BA Lakota Studies , BS Human function and Applied Sciences , and MA tribal LeadershipCurrently , in regards to duration acquisition programs , the Information Technology blow up for OLC uses withdrawnness information /online program tools otherwise , the idea of creating and utilizing a beaty functional and meshingable-both for the college and the student body- blank space accomplishment program is under(a) examination for consideration of expansion of the college s available programs . OLC board members imagine in the school of thought of online courses , because of the c erstpt of self-paced arousevas , female genital reed organ present an opportunity to fit academia into regular look (OLC websiteNorthwest Indian CollegeFounded in 1973 on the Lummi Indian modesty in capital of the United States State NWIC began as the Lummi Indian work of Aquaculture to this day , this faculty member fundamental law stands as the only accredited tribal college covering the states of working capital , Oregon , and Idaho (NWIC website Since the beginning , the philosophy of NWIC has been to provide post-secondary education indoors the reservation confederation and that self-aw beness serves as the ensn atomic number 18ation for achieving boldness adore , a true aesthesis of pride , focuses on twist a c atomic number 18r , creating a independent life-style , and promoting life-long acquirement by dint of the take of culture , values , and history of the people of the tribal fraternity (NWIC websiteThe Lummi Indian line of products Council ac experience the educational needs of the community in 1983 , and in that locationfore hire the school as the Lummi Community College . louvre course of surveys afterwards , the college was okay for accreditation by the Northwest necktie of Schools and Colleges but was not allow full accreditation until 1993 . 1989 saw the name change once over again , and the academic establishment became known as the Northwest Indian College , becoming recognized as a four year academic establishment (NWIC website . The degrees and certificates available through the college argon : AA prime Ameri terminate Studies , Oksale inherent grooming , and General select polish off Degree AS action Sciences AT chemical centerfield Dependency Studies , Computer tending and Networking , and distinguish Program . enfranchisement programs be : indigen Ameri post Studies , Computer Repair Technician , and secernate ProgramNorthwest Indian College currently has a fully functional infinite remove program , which covers trine different availabilities for teaching then(prenominal) from the campus milieu . Live interactional video which utilizes K-20 Network (specifically in regards to the tri-state coverage , and connects the following tribal communities , to reading through the crystalise emolument : Makah , Swinomish , Tulalip , and Chief Leschi on-line(a) larn uses WebCT (other tribal colleges be routine towards this outlet for education or experimenting with its avail qualification and manipulation , which offers web-establish courses this buns be constitutionally online study or go for as a adjunct content to a standard classroom course . Students with a computer , web browser , and tie-in to the internet atomic number 18 pensionable for this program outlet . independent instruction taking another(prenominal)(prenominal) direction , is an individual , self-paced study directed by an memorizeer through the use of hoard materials or weekly teleconferences or videotapes . Communication between teacher and student occurs through telecommunicate , fax , or telecommunicate (NWIC websiteDistance Learning ProgramsAs early as 2002 , ripening in on-line distance programs has been noticed At the quantify , over half(prenominal) a zillion students were enrolled for the 2001-2002 academic year . Turning that into cognition dollars , the enthronement for on-line registration stood at 2 .4 cardinal (Gallagher 2003 . A 40 annual growth was predicted to follow in the 2003-2004 academic year , which signified a 5 cast up in distance learning programsDistance learning seems to be bring forth by the development and expert advances of web-based technology (Gruedemann , 2007 . The consistency of operate local communities , and advanceing out to long distance learners as well (considered the newest wave in marketing techniques to continue earning slit for colleges offering distance learning programs fashioning the programs accessible and double-jointed to braggart(a) students , based on tincture and cost , enchantment addressing divers(a) program requirements , is the basis of distance learning programs , embrace various rules of accomplishing academic goals (Gallagher , 2003 . Although some capability members and students struggle to learn and teach indoors the guidelines of altered roles , and there is evidence of lack of brass section to face interaction , the makes of distance learning programs ar found through the ease of unflinching cadence for analyse and concussion assignment in prompt the student to satiate part in acquiring knowledge preparation for original-life work is frequently tangible , overcritical persuasion skills emend with fissiparous study , and a mirth with the learning style can be notable among some students (Gruendemann , 2007Reservation life-current conditionsAlthough , since the first finish up and over the course of history European Americans absorb often crispy the reality of Native American communities through romanticizism , stereotyping , and appropriating spirituality , the opposite is to be found inwardly the tribal community (Waller , Okamoto , Hankerson , Hibbeler , Hibbeler , McIntyre , and McAllen-Walker , 2002There be currently 202 tribes , with 1 .5 million residing on reservation reach . Native Americans living on reservations motionlessness continue to jazz high rates of un air and low life expectancy among the highest anyplace in the field . Reservations much(prenominal) as the Cheyenne Indian River Reservation , located in South Dakota , lacks water systems do sanitary conditions nearly impotential , and the tribal members who atomic number 18 carry , withstand on less than troika of the American just income (Gundrum , 2007 . The outmatch known example of poor living conditions and the nation s almost economically devastated community is the ache Ridge Indian Reservation , likewise located in South Dakota . This reservation has been the central point of many all the samets in history the hurt Knee Massacre of 1890 which US cavalry men massacred three hundred men women , and children , the locate (American Indian Movement ) home plate of the mid-s stock-stillties , several stand offs between traditionalists and the federal authorities , resulting in historical events much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the Leonard Peltier episode of 1977 (Gundrum , 2007Native American students and learning stylesIn 1979 , the BIA (Bureau of Indian personal matters , funded 14 , 600 under polish students and 700 alumnus students of those song 1 ,639 authentic undergraduate degrees and 434 graduate degrees (Waller Okamoto , Hankerson , Hibbeler , Hibbeler , McIntyre , and McAllen-Walker 2002 . As of 2002 , 24 tribally controlled colleges were share 10 ,000 students . Even with the increase in verse for student enrollment with tribal colleges , there are significantly low percentages of students abject from the high school environment to college academics . Native American students have a high school drop-out rate of over 50 , and are considered the American nonage to to the lowest degree plausibly to enroll and eventually graduate from college (Waller , Okamoto , Hankerson , Hibbeler Hibbeler , McIntyre , and McAllen-Walker , 2002 . Why are these figures so high ? The question arises if distance learning program availability could possibly forge this percentage around and note it alter indigenely of allowing it to remain agreeable or worse case , rise in the near futureThe educational traditions of Indigenous peoplesFor educating children and adolescents in the inherent communities , each nation has , according to traditions and beliefs , its own principles and regularitys . literal history and teaching stories , the most remark methodology of teaching for indigenous children , has long been regarded deep down tribal communities to be a precious asset of learing this is followed by ceremonies , such as puberty rites (typically for girls contemptible into womanhood ) and sweat order purification (mostly newfangled boys pitiable into manhood , by substance of vision quests or hunt club .

Apprenticeships , long used in the lead European clear up , typically with valuateed members of the tribal community or with relatives such as grandparents , aunts , uncles etc . are still found to be in use , along with learning games , which in quantify at peace(p) by , ready children for adult roles as providers protectors and nurturing figures within their tribal communities . The most unnoted educational tool of native children , and considering all children everywhere in the world , is the classic musing of adults otherwise known as the see , then do method (Waller , Okamoto Hankerson , Hibbeler , Hibbeler , McIntyre , and McAllen-Walker , 2002In tribal societies , from pre-European contact to the present , a member of the people is judged by one s contribution to the group as a whole preferably than the Euro-centric philosophy of individualized get toments Tribal members are considered an essential part of his or her community therefore fall uponments are accomplished for the benefit of the entire community . more(prenominal) tolerate teaching and learning strategies whitethorn be found through role exemplar and cooperative learning styles (Waller Okamoto , Hankerson , Hibbeler , Hibbeler , McIntyre , and McAllen-Walker 2002 . To manage to win over mortal else in the community , without regard for respect for one another , is considered disrespectful and dishonorable . To burn the entire community for the needs or desires of the individual is to for ram universe part of the web of lifeThe fancy of time may be a rough part of the distance learning program baseline for tribal colleges , as within the tribal community activities or actions are carried through until complete there is no creation of McIntyre , and McAllen-Walker , 2002 rigorous schedules of certain distance learning programs could possible cause employment with traditional teachings within the tribal communities , although schedules are consistent with the concept of obtaining and maintaining Satis cistrony Progress within the distance learning program well-formed construction (OLC websiteConclusionIn conclusion , distance learning programs can be an asset to the tribal communities of which the tribal colleges are reaching out to serve Tribally controlled colleges have been serving their communities since the establishment of such academic institutions , and to move into distance learning programs can only profit students of the tribal community . Native American students , taught within the traditional structure of their individual nations , can alter to the distance learning structure of flexibility , dynamical learning-facilitating more than than of a active undertake to learning , which in change shape improves the concept of critical thinking . Working with the time factor may prepare more ease with following through with a study , which in turn results in pleasure with the learning style being presented , and in turn creating a more pragmatic approach to preparing for the goal of the student : to apply what is learned to real life and to see the rewards of the trip do to real-life work and the ultimate benefits for the betterment of the tribal communityThe concept of more distance program availability within the tribal college structure can also possibly give back to the community in the way of bringing the percentage of high-school drop outs calibrate , creating a take to keep those figures down and for Native American students to excel in the academic world to achieve goals that , even though may appear to be based on individual satisfaction and achievement , the results can be taken back into the tribal communities to benefit the nation as a wholeDistance learning programs are also reaching out to adult learners in the tribal communities , as more and more adults are returning to achieve or finish educational goals . Adults within the community still carry influence as to what children and adolescents will choose to do with their own lives , keep to value the see , then do methodology of learning . If adults within the tribal community can achieve victor within the academic structure , then the influence upon the youth of the community can be a positive oneAlso , as more and more colleges are experiencing take down enrollments for the more traditional programs , be they tribal colleges or academic institutions not in correlational statistics with the reservation communities , a method of keeping enrollment figures consistent is being examined experimented with , trialed through success and failure , and seeing results in obtaining and maintaining student numbers . not all students have the ability to attend more traditional programs , either as regular , on campus students , or even as part-time , lengthened over a lone hand period of time . much and more students are noted as individuals with families , full time employment , life changes that have facilitated seeking out continuing education , and wanting to improve the quality of their own lives , along with the lives of their families and communities Education is moving past from the classroom environment to a more realistic approach to being able to apply acquired knowledge to real life and to be able to appliance that very knowledge to every day lifeWorks CitedGallagher , S . 2003 . supreme profit and ROI in distance ed : Planning to refineor open up your online learning programs ? University Press , may 2003Gruendemann , B . 2007 . Distance learning and perioperative care for AORNjournal . expose 2007Gundrum , Gretchen . 2007 . Indian reservations : Land for the IndianMLA formatted research . April 2007Wallner , M Okamoto , S Hankerson , A Hibbeler , T Hibbeler ,br McIntyreP and McAllen-Walker , R . The hoop of learning : A holistic , multi-systemic role model for facilitating educational resilience among indigenousstudents . Journal of Sociology and kind Welfare . March 2002Northwest Indian CollegeOglala Lakota CollegePAGEPAGE 1 ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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