
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Behavior Problem In Children And Adolescents

This is a paper of Ted, an eight year boy, in whose eyes there always was seen a certain kind of worry. He loves playing footb wholly wish every other squirt in my neighborhood. He has brown hair, wears long T-shirt, eyelid and always has a muffler around his neck. He looks like any other normal boy scarcely one day when I went to his house, I saw anxious face of this come and what she told made me matt-up thinking. She said that one day Ted was sitting in his English variant and suddenly he felt that he should run away from his room, or he was going to get mad and hurt somebody.Not just this, he started breathing very fast and began to tremble too. He asked his teacher that he wanted to lend the classroom but his teacher simply refused. He became so adamant that he started to scream, just kicked the desk, slammed the door behind and hotfoot let onside the class room finally purpose himself-importance landing in the Principals office. He apologized but that was not the end of the story. sometimes his face also used to turn red. He started behaving in this manner in regular intervals.His mother told me that they had even got him tho near examined by the concern but there was no serious worry with him. He stayed with his mother who got divorced few years back, and there was no one else in the house. His mother goes to office after dropping him to near by give instruction and Ted always returns lieu disappointed, finding himself all alone. Later it was found out that he is suffering from consternation Disorder. Panic disorder is a soma of anxiety disorder uncouthly found in thousands of children all oer United States of America.Generally 12 per cent of children of ninth grade hold in consternation attacks, and 1-2 per cent of adults have this problem. Children having Panic disorders whitethorn suffer from fearfulness and discomfort, palpitation, power hammer heart or great heart rate, trembling, sweating, shaking legs, nausea, dizziness etcetera Panic disorder has become the most gross problem among children and adults alike. They may also feel choking, chest pain, fear of dying, parasthesia (numbness or tingling sensation) etc.We mainly ignore Panic disorder terming the symptoms as normal behavior of children but it is a very serious problem, which can hamper the childs mental and physical growth. Affected children are socially cut off, their nurture performance is deteriorated and they may suffer from many other problems. It is not required that those children who are having panic attacks may have panic disorder, if 10 % of the children leave behind suffer from panic attacks thusly 1 to 2 per cent only suffer from Panic disorder.Out of these who develop the Panic disorder, 10-35% is sure to get cured, 50% may get affected mildly later. The most common of all panic disorder is Agrophobia. This means always having a feeling of finding in a place or any situation were it is unaccepted to escape, or face a sit uation where help is not nearby available. According to the researchers, Panic disorder is caused when there is abnormality in that tell of the brain, which indicates the quantity of Carbondioxide in the blood. If Carbondioxide is more, this means breathing is less than normal.Therefore, body go away send the signals to increase the breathing process and also send adrenaline to help in the same process. We can also say that Panic disorder is hereditary problem. The children are much more likely to have an anxiety disorder if a parent also has an anxiety disorder. vocalisation of this heredity is expressed through something called Behavioral Inhibition, which means reacting opposite to only parvenu situation and things. Some infants and children will be very happy, anxious and curious to find out about new people and things.However, roughly 15% of children will feel shy, withdrawn, and irritable in a new situation or with new people or things. Teds problem of Panic disorder is a problem of anxiety disorder, which is the most common among Children and adolescents. There are many kinds of anxiety disorders but the most common of them are Separation Anxiety Disorder and Specific Phobias, occurring in the jump on group between 6-9 years old. Anxiety is one of the many disorders poignant man hood like neuroses. Children generally suffer from maximum fear and worry more than their parents do.Many of these problems can be predicted and cured easily so clinician forwards starting the hidement should carefully examine the behavior among children and then should prescribe the medicine for the same. Girls suffer more from fear than boys do. Separation anxiety disorder is found in childhood only and these involve the problems like specific phobia, social phobia among others. Children suffering from the phobias will try to leave the feared object. Social phobia occurs when children fear from being humiliated in familiar place.Children may get scared of speaking, writing, reading, performing in public, initiating and maintaining conversations, speaking to potence figures and interacting in informal social situations. The idea can daunt on the children that what others will think of them and may suffer somatic symptoms with a doctor purpose to escape uncomfortable situations. These children may suffer from lower self esteem and and always feel lonely and sad. This disorder can be comorbid with other diagnoses such as anxiety or depression.So, it becomes inevitable to treat the problem, whatever disorder the child may be suffering from before it causes some serious implications on his health and life. There should be out-of-doors communication between clinicians, therapists, family and school staff. The source of stress of the child should be reduced through counseling, medicines and backup manive environment both at home and school. It becomes utmost important for the parents to understand the illness of the child and his struggle with it . The child should not be left isolated.They should listen to the childs feeling, acclaim his efforts and encourage him to participate in various activities to relieve him of the stress, tension and depression. Teds mother also understood the root cause of problem and by-line the advice of child psychologists, she herself undertook parent guidance counseling sessions. With this, she was able to manage his boys illness effectively by providing much needed support and love. Soon, Ted was on the path of recovery. Reference Nelson R. W. , Emeritus & Allen Y. (2005) Behavior Disorders of Childhood. Publisher prentice Hall

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