
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Organizational Behavior Outline

CHAPTER 2 Challenges for Managers What atomic number 18 the four challenges in globalization? 1. Globalizing the firms operation to compete the global village 2. steer a diverse failforce 3. Encouraging positive ethics, character, and in- someone honor 4. Advancing and implementing technological innovation in the shapeplace What ar the transforms in the global marketplace? 1. Social changes 2. Political changes Social and political upheavals countenance led organizations to change the way they exact business and encouraged their members to conceptualise globally. Self-Assessment Planning for a global careerSelf-assessment is the critical starting note in any career planning effort. Self assessment is particularly important for those whose goal is to live an work abroad, i. e. , where familiar personal and original support systems may be non-existent. Readers interested in engage worldwideist workplace should consider their answers to the side by side(p) types of questions in assessing their readiness for international recitation 1. Why am I interested in an international kind work career? 2. Am I interested in effecting change on a macro/global level? 3. Am I interested in working levelly with clients from a variety of heathen backgrounds?Both? 4. Am I interested in the personal and master copy development which results from the experience of living abroad, whatever the employment situation? 5. Does my cargo to an international career include being based abroad, or would I prefer to be based in my home country? 6. What skills do I commit to offer in an international setting? These skills efficacy include generic affable work abilities such(prenominal) as strengths in psycho-social assessment, supervision or program development specific social work skills cited to particular issues or clients, such as pre-natal services for dolescents, support prevention programming, or working with clients who are substance abusers and technic al and linguistic skills which may be particularly useful in international settings, such as computer skills, health professions training, and of course language competencies. 7. What are my world-wide and specific manage interests? These might include considerations of macro vs. micro practice administrative vs. end management positions and work evolving from its setting, such as direct service in an agency base, research and teaching in a university setting, or advocacy work in a human rights organization. . What international/intercultural experience do I gull? This might include personal background, work, travel or study abroad, or work with clients of diverse education. 9. What are my issues/preferences concerning lifestyle and adjusting to new settings? Would I feel comfortable with the living conditions in a developing country or do I sine qua non a more Westernized lifestyle? Have I tested my abilities to be flexible in adjusting to unfamiliar surroundings and cultures? 10. What is my geographic preference? Is it global in scope? Developed or developing country? 11. Finally, what is my ambitiousness job?In planning a career, as opposed to searching for a particular position, it is pivotal to have a sense of direction. tear d admit should your anticipated direction change in six months of starting your first job, your preparatory process will serves as the impetus for more narrow exploration and experimentation. A catch phrase for the nineties has pass recover globally, act locally. With an international social work career, it is possible to have the best of both worldsthat of acting on major international social issues, either at home or abroad, and wherever one chooses to work to be engaged in solving social problems of worldwide dimensions.As the social context of the human services becomes increasingly more internationalized, it is crucial that social workers broaden their world view the personal and professional rewards for doing so can be immense. Self-Assessment Activity How much do you know close to inner anguish? As defined by the Philippine Anti- informal badgering Act of 1995, informal harassment is a request for a sexual favor, accepted or not, from an employer, employee, manager, teacher, instructor, professor, coach, trainer or different persons who have authority, ferment or moral ascendancy over another. It is committed by anyone who demands a sexual favor in exchange for work, promotion or other privileges. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or forcible breeding of a sexual nature when 1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a enclosure or condition of an individualistics employment, or 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or 3.Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individuals work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. knowledgeable harassment includes many occasions 1. Actual or attempted rape or sexual assault. 2. Unwanted press for sexual favors. 3. Unwanted deliberate touching, leaning over, cornering, or pinching. 4. Unwanted sexual looks or gestures. 5. Unwanted letters, telephone calls, or materials of a sexual nature. 6. Unwanted pressure for dates. 7. Unwanted sexual teasing, jokes, remarks, or questions. . Referring to an adult as a girl, hunk, doll, babe, or honey. 9. Whistling at someone. 10. Cat calls. 11. Sexual comments. 12. Turning work discussions to sexual topics. 13. Sexual innuendos or stories. 14. Asking ab out(predicate) sexual fantasies, preferences, or history. 15. person-to-person questions about social or sexual life. 16. Sexual comments about a persons clothing, anatomy, or looks. 17. Kissing sounds, howling, and smacking lips. 18. Telling lies or spreading rumors about a persons personal sex l ife. 19. Neck massage. 20. Touching an employees clothing, hair, or ashes. 21. good-looking personal gifts. 22. Hanging around a person. 23. Hugging, kissing, patting, or stroking. 24. Touching or rubbing oneself sexually around another person. 25. Standing close or brushing up against a person. 26. Looking a person up and down (elevator eyes). 27. Staring at someone. 28. Sexually suggestive signals. 29. Facial expressions, winking, throwing kisses, or licking lips. 30. Making sexual gestures with hands or through body movements. Sexual harassment can be a tricky thing to prove. While its a recognized threat in the workplace, very few are willing to come out and complain.Find out what you can do about sexual harassment in case it happens in your office The Sexual Harassment Act not only if covers those who are directly involved but also those who cooperate in the commission of the violation. Sexual harassment can take several forms. If youre the object of attention, you could be at the receiving end of malicious stares, jokes, comments, notes, letters, graffiti or physical contact. What to do in case of sexual harassment? Sexual harassment can be difficult to prove, especially if it becomes a he said/she said event. To make sure you protect yourself, do the following Say no. or choke up it firmly and loud fair to middling for someone to hear. If there are potential witnesses, reject the advances through a firm but polite refusal. Unless youve been harassed many times before, wear downt make the first offense a sideshow. * Express your remonstrance to the persons behavior clearly and firmly but deflect making too much fuss about it. Saying Stop it in a loud, shrilly voice or screaming at the top of your lungs might be viewed as proof that youre a hysterical person. In case of an investigation, you might come off as unreliable or worse, prone to exaggeration.Remember that you might be dealing with a sneaky person who can dismiss your complaint as an ex aggerated reaction. * Express your disapproval and be clear about it. If the person asks you why, tell them it makes you uncomfortable and you dont think its appropriate behavior. acceptt smile and dont apologize, either. Youll come off as weak and unconvincing. * Document the event/s. Write down the date, time, place and witnesses to the calamity in detail. Use a journal or a notebook computer and keep it in a safe place. In case you have to file for a complaint later, this will come in clever as evidence.If the harassment escalates, you can also show the journal or notebook to your supervisor. * Inform someone about what happened. Tell your closest intimate or friend at the office. If the incident involved touching, violence, psychological or physical threats, do the same and then go to your manager or supervisor. In his absence, talk to the HR person immediately. Dont troll the incident into office gossip, however. If you must inform anyone, make sure they are either a perso n of authority or someone who could become a reliable witness for you. * File a complaint.Chances are your social club has policies regarding sexual harassment in the workplace. Check your company manual or go to HR to make sure you make the right steps. They should be able to help you resolve this problem. CHAPTER 3 Personality, Perception, and Attribution Research kind statistics in the Philippines for the workplace THE LAY DOWN OR LAY complete POLICY IN THE WORKPLACE Many women workers are subjected to sexual harassment or sexual violence in the workplace (Bureau of Women and Young Workers,Sexual Harassment at the Workplace, 1991. ).There is a phrase in the Philippines that sums up the sexual violence experienced by women in the workplace. We call it the rate Down or Lay Off Policy. Prior to the impersonation of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (RA 7877), women resorted to the pertinent provisions of the Revised Penal encipher to seek redress for sexual harassment. S IBOL comments that, While Republic Act No. 7877 is a step forward in addressing sexual harassment, it has several substantive limitations. Research an MBTI Instrument and answer it. CHAPTER 4 Attitude, Values and Ethics What is Machiavellianism? How this relate to you personally? Machiavellianism is the political doctrine of Machiavelli, which denies the relevance of morality in political affairs and holds that craft and deceit are justified in pursuing and maintaining political power. I do not agree with this doctrine since the bone marrow of my personality is morality. Exercise Chinese, Indian and American Values Chinese Indian American 1. Mandate of Heaven 2. Confucian relations 3. Harmony 4. The Chinese value the importance of the family 5. bedience, moderation and self-restraint 6. They want to fulfill their own potential 7. With time and patience, the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown 8. skill is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere 9. A book holds a house of gold 10. Courtesy demands reciprocity 11. Cooperation 12. sort out harmony 13. Modesty 14. Value is placed on respect for an individuals dignity and personal autonomy 15. Placidity is valued, as is the ability to remain quiet and still 16. Patience 17. Generosity 18. Indifference to self-control 19.Indifference to saving 20. Indifference to work ethic 21. Moderation in speech 22. Careful listening 23. Careful observation 24. Permissive shaver rearing 1. Personal control over the environment/ responsibility 2. trade is seen as natural and positive 3. Time and its control 4. Equality/ forthrightness 5. Individualism/ independence 6. Self-help initiative 7. Competition 8. Future orientation 9. operation/ work orientation 10. Informality 11. Directness/ openness/ honesty 12. Practicality/ talent 13. Materialism/ acquisitiveness

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