
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Scarface - The Greatest Movie of All Time Essay -- essays research pap

The Greatest Movie Ever MadePerhaps the high hat celluloid to incessantly bless the eyes of any American is the 1983 Brian DePalma mobster movie classic, Scarface. Scarface is the tale of Tony Montana and his journey through his new life in America in the early 80s Cuban immigrant movement. The movie depicts the American ideate, to be successful, perfectly. Scarface and its main star, Al Pacino, also shows movie watchers in detail, the process of going from rags-to-riches since that is what he did in the feature. Lastly, Scarface is perhaps the stovepipe movie to ever be made because it basically contains all the characteristics that are that of a great movie.First of all, Scarface is one of the greatest feature films ever because it illustrates the American dream perfectly, which is to be successful. This story goes in to detail on what some people are willing to do in succeed of the American dream. Tony Montana or Scarface was a man who knew what he wanted, exactly did no t have the patience to get it honorably. This description fits many of todays Americans. The feature that so many people can relate to this obsession with obtaining the American dream, is the reason this movie is considered a classic. Though the way he achieved this dream was not honorable and honest, Montana, through illegal means, became very successful at what he did. This movie, perhaps better than Wallstreet (1987), New Jack City (19...

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