
Friday, March 15, 2019

What is Cancer :: essays research papers

What is crabmeatThe article entitled What Is crabby person? from the American Cancer Societys web site discussed how crabmeat forms and effects people in distinct ways depending on what face of crabmeat they have. It also mentioned how cancers are treated and ways to pr until nowt cancer. Cancer forms from the uncontrolled growth of perverted cells in the soundbox. When we are born we all in all have normal cells that continually grow until adulthood. We also have abnormal cells that are in our body. As we reach adulthood our normal body cells stop dividing for growth purposes and only divide to replace dead or damaged cells. The abnormal cells in our body continue to divide even into adulthood and form cancerous cells. Most cancers ascend into tumors while others flowing throughout the body via the bodys bloodstream. An example of this is leukemia. Not all tumors that are created in the body by the abnormal cells become cancerous however. Some tumors called benign tumor s are non cancerous and will not affect the body in as harmful ways as cancerous tumors would. Benign tumors are still dangerous however on that point size can be harmful to the body by festering in places that they are not needed and putting pressure on other parts of the body. All types of cancer are different and act to different types of treatment. Different cancers also have different rates of growth. These different rates of growth are what cause different cancers to be to a greater extent harmful than others. Cancer is the second leading killer in the fall in States. Over half of men and one third of women will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Millions of people are now living with cancer because of new treatments that have become available through extensive research.

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