
Friday, May 17, 2019

A World Affected by Pollution and Global Warming Essay

Roy M. Harrison.(2001) taintCause, Effects and Control. Royal society of chemistry. This author concentrates mainly chemical and radioactive contamination. The book speaks of the sources of pollutants and their effects on both living and non livings especially human. It also shows how chemical contaminant can also cause of water, rail line and land pollution.Agarwal S.K. Water pollution. APH publishing(Jan.1 2005)The author bases the book on recent views, ideas and contribution of various leading ecologist education of water pollution. It show how to use waste water and its treatments.Irina Gray (2008). Pollution effects on humans, animals, plants and the environment. The author shows the various types and causes of pollution and its effects on the environment. It shows the effect on human ranging mild discomfort to adept diseases. It also how the effect destroy animal life and the atmosphere. reference www.Tropical-Rainforest-Animals.comMargaret A. Wheatley(1996). Social and cultural impact of atomic number 80 pollution on Aboriginal people in Canada. Neurotox 17(1), 251-256 The writer explores the nexus between mercury pollution and brotherly &cultural disruption in Canadian aboriginal communities. It shows the difficulties in communication that contribute to the social and cultural impacts and their health effects.CreditV. Ramanathan and G. Carmichael(2008). Global and regional climate changes due to drear coke.Nature Geoscience 221-221. The writers express how black carbon becomes air pollution and how it affects both the climate and the environment. This book said that the pollution affect different regions and the black carbon in soot is the dominant absorber of visible solar radiation in the atmosphere. Credit www.nature.com/ngeo/ daybook/v1/n4/full/ngeo/56.htmlS.Fred Singer.(1968) Global Effects of environmental pollution. Science 13 vol. 162 no 3859. The author talks the pollution effects on humans, animals, plants and the environment. It expresses the cause of pollution and how it causes the extinction of animals and plants species which is a grave loss for mankind. It shows how the advancement in technology aids the improvement of a well being of mankind but also its consequences. Credit books.google.com/booksClive Glifford (2006). Planet under pressurepollution. Rain-tree ISBN-13 9781844439 744. The book examines how pollution has become a global issue and looks at the debate over possible solution. It shows how pollution whether air, water, radioactive or terrestrial affect the lives of a vision of people causing disease and contributing to the global warming. Credit www.booksdirect.com.au/books/?isbn=9781844439744Green StudentU. Pollution.This is a encyclopedia first appearance which speaks of how toxic chemicals from factories pollute the land, air and water. It explains what pollution is and why there are different types . Of the types, It takes of their sources and how to prevent them. It gives link to envi ronment protection agency website if to be involved in prevention of pollution. It also gives the statistics of the people bear on by pollution and other. Credit www.greenstudentu.com/encyclopedia/pollution

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